Library History Finale

To wrap up our four-week series on the history of the Pittsboro Memorial Library, nothing seems more appropriate than this article on the humble beginnings of library service in Pittsboro. It’s hard to believe that we’ve gone from a few shelves in a living room to a sustainably-built 25,000 square foot beauty! We owe much to the citizens who first dreamed of a library in Pittsboro and the friends and sponsors who have brought us to where we are today.

Click the image to enlarge for easier reading. Below the article, you’ll find links to even more photos and writings about the Pittsboro Memorial Library’s dedication ceremony, building, and more. We hope you’ve enjoyed this blast from the library past!

Library Dedication Attracts Hundreds (Part One) (Part Two) (Photo)
New Library Required Hard Work and Generosity (Part One) (Part Two)

See you next week!

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