Writer Interview: Rosecrans Baldwin

New Feature! We love to have writers stop by the library for literary readings, to check out books, or to use the library as a place to write. When they do, we plan to ask them for their reading recommendations as well as a few other items of interest.

We are kicking off this feature with one of our favorite writers: Rosecrans Baldwin. Rosecrans recently read at McInytre’s Books in partnership with the library as part of our summer reading program for adults. His latest book is Paris I Love You But You’re Bringing Me Down.

CCL: What are you reading now?

RB: Davy Rothbart’s terrific My Heart Is an Idiot, coming out this fall. And an old mystery, Murder in Pastiche, which I learned was one of Faulkner’s favorites.

CCL: Who is/are your favorite poet(s)?

RB: Dead: Frank O’Hara. Living: Jay Hopler.

CCL: If you had to choose a desert island book, what would it be and why?

RB: Collected Shakespeare, Collected Jane Austen (do they have that in one volume?), or Larry McMurtry’s Lonesome Dove. I want something to sink my teeth into.

CCL: What is your favorite place to read?

RB: Pacing my screened-in porch.

CCL: If you could invite 3 people to have dinner with you, who would they be and why?

RB: Destiny’s Child. Entertainment, beauty, and drama in a single group.

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