Judge much?

music-and-the-girl-june-18-1903This editorial(?) from the June 18, 1903 edition of The Chatham Record reveals more about its author than it does the opposite sex. Reminds me of certain people I know (your blogger meekly raises his hand) who judge people by their record collections.

Coincidentally, my Norse Title is now “Connod the Indolent and Lackadaisical”.

 Music and the Girl.

An English reader of character say that a girl’s nature can be told from the music she plays and the composers she shows most partiality for, says the New York Sun.

The girl who affects Beethoven is impractical, bound up in dreams and not apt to make a good helpmeet.

The girl who is devoted to Strauss is frivolous and light-minded. And she who professes affinity for Verdi is sentimental, excitable and shrinkingly sensitive.

The girl who loves Offenbach will be giddy and whimsical.

Liszt implies daring and ambition, Mozart prudishness and overmuch conceit, Gottschalk the affected and superficial, Connod the indolent and lackadaisical.

A liking for Flotow means that the girl is commonplace, apt to travel only well beaten tracks and without sense of humor.

A liking for Wagner denotes an exaggerated, irrational temperament, not easily controlled.

Great partiality for ragtime music marks a girl as hare-brained and little to be depended upon.

The girl who plays the “Battle of Prague, “Anvil Chorus” and “Monastery Bells” will be a good, practical wife, able to keep the larder and nursery in order.

But for all-round, capable qualities, of both an inspiring and practical nature, the girl who dotes on “Home, Sweet Home” can be counted upon. She will be affectionate, non-extravagant and a good companion.



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