Resource of the Month: Infotrac Newsstand

Infotrac NewsstandWondering where the New York Times database went?  You can now access the NYT and over 2,500 other news sources through InfoTrac Newsstand, a full-text newspaper database which allows users to search articles by keyword, headline, date, newspaper section, and more.

Infotrac Newsstand currently contains over 131 million articles from national, international, state and local news sources published between 1980 and 2014, with more content added each day.  It also includes images as well as radio and TV transcripts.  Once you’ve performed a search of the collection, you’ll have numerous options for fine-tuning your results.

To see if a particular newspaper is included, click on Publication Search on the orange toolbar, then search by title.  You can also choose List All Publications to see a complete listing of available titles.

To access this resource, visit and click on the Articles icon below the Browse heading.  Scroll down the list of databases and click on Infotrac Newsstand.  If you are accessing the database outside of the library, you will be prompted to log in with your library card number.

Need help?  Give us a call at the Reference Desk:  919-545-8086.

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